RFID is one of the technologies that MaCh eX deals with due to its wide variety of use cases. People management in events is one of them. Cornerstone Community Church has reached out to MaCh eX to create a RFID-based smart event management solution to allow young children to check in and out within the church compound. When children do that during an event, notifications will be sent to their respective parents or guardians as well. Virtual fencing created using RFID scanner were made to notify the authorities of any children who enters an out-of-bound area. All these features are accompanied by an event management dashboard that allows Cornerstone to easily view and edit the particulars of a participant.

Adapting Smart IoT Devices to Requirements

MaCh eX has always been quick to adapt. The event management system is an adaptation of MaCh eX’s legacy asset management system. It was possible for the asset management system to adapt to the smart event management system because of the flexible design of the system. Features like conditional SMS/Email notifications based on RFID detections and flexible asset attributes are reused from the legacy system. Besides the software that is running the business logic, stationary smart RFID scanners with display was reprogrammed based on old applications to create the check in/check out kiosk.

[TODO: show picture of the scanner]

Improving Operational Efficiency

The event was a success. There was a total of more than 500 participants checking in and out everyday during the event period. By incorporating IoT technologies into a smart event management system, Cornerstone’s administrative team are able to keep track of the participants and at the same time allow parents and guardian to monitor the safety of their children via SMS notifications. The project was fulfilling for MaCh eX as they were able to help their client reduce operation overhead effectively.