SMART Cargo will transform your by offering a method of data collection

Improve coordination with our real time GPS location tracking and internal tracking. Reduce manual errors and fraudulent reporting to ensure a smoother transportation process. Warehousing made easy with our 24hrs humidity monitoring system to cater to all kind of goods. 

Real-Time Container Tracking

With SLS, users will be able to obtain the following information in Real-Time for 24hrs daily:

  • Speed
  • Latitude & Longitude
  • Location & Route Direction
  • Door Opening/Closing Status
  • Cargo Capacity
  • Humidity Level

Gain an advantage over your competitors by drastically increasing delivery speed 

SmartContainer Dashboard

Container Segmentation Dashboard

Each container is virtually segmented into 10 section which you can view on the dashboard. With it, you can make much more informed decision to achieve the best space arrangement.

Solar Energy Usage

Use the sunlight as an energy source that enable you to save cost, go green while providing an ongoing supply of power that ensure the device is always active while on the route. 

For companies with a goal of being environmentally sustainable, it can further complement your vision of being 

Eliminate Fraudulent Reporting

You do not have to worry about employees giving false report or an honest mistake due to human error.

Decision has to be made quickly and decisively in logistic management. With the cloud data as support, you can greatly minimise the mistakes made due to errors in reporting.